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Willie Clancy Summer School

Arts Council funding for four Clare groups

More than €400,000 of funding has just been allocated to four Clare arts organisations by the Irish Arts Council. The largest single allocation went...

Ashling Murphy remembered by her friends at Willie Clancy

FRIENDS and family of the late Ashling Murphy arrived in County Clare this week having joined a cycle travelling from Tyrone to Miltown Malbay’s...

Swedish filmmaker revisits Willie Clancy 57 years on

A SWEDISH filmmaker, whose work features the legendary piper, Willie Clancy, will return to Miltown Malbay next month for the first time since 1965.  Lennart...

Dáithí dives into Clare for Today show

CLARE was showcased to the nation on Wednesday when RTÉ’s popular daytime Today show broadcast live from Ennis with host Dáithí Ó Sé. The production team based themselves...

Web series showcases Miltown’s musical youth

THE wealth of musical talent of the young people of the Miltown Malbay area is set to be showcased to audiences around the world...

West Clare counts the cost of Summer School cancellation

MILTOWN Malbay and the wider West Clare community continue to count the cost of the cancellation of an event whose economic value has been...

Scariff Harbour Festival cancelled due to pandemic restrictions

THERE has been a further blow to the county’s calendar of summer events, with confirmation in recent days that the annual Scariff Harbour Festival...

Arts grants for Clare projects

People in Clare will experience the arts in new and exciting ways this year, according to the Arts Council. Outlining its plan to invest €68.4...
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