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Overwhelming support to keep mural

HUNDREDS of people have signed a petition in support of keeping a mural in Ennis which was created in response to the ongoing crisis...

Barefield backs road petition

A petition calling on the council to extend a footpath on the Barefield Road has been signed by 120 residents, with one local councillor...

Barking mad over county pound contract

CLARE County Council is barking up the wrong tree if they take the operation of the county’s dog pound away from the ISPCA, animal...

Crusheen man wants billboard removed

A Crusheen man has gathered approximately 300 signatures to get a billboard on the southern outskirts of the village removed. Michael Hickey believes the billboard...

Anti-social behaviour having ‘serious negative economic impact’

ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour by groups of young people on the streets of Ennis’ town centre is having a “serious negative economic impact” on the county...
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