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HomeNewsBarefield backs road petition

Barefield backs road petition

A petition calling on the council to extend a footpath on the Barefield Road has been signed by 120 residents, with one local councillor saying “children, walkers, joggers and cyclists currently use this road at their peril due to inadequate pedestrian facilities”.

Councillor Tom O’Callaghan (FF) made the comment at a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District where he requested the extension of the existing footpath after the primary school from Curraderra to Cragard Road “due to the high volume of vehicles that travel along this route”.

However, Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, stated the project is “not viable at this time” while confirming plans to apply for funding for a 70m section of footpath which would “provide the missing link” to connect properties on the Ruan Road to Barefield.

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