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Funding boost for Seafield dunes project

Local efforts to promote and protect plants and wildlife in West Clare have been given a huge boost with a local sand dunes conservation...

Anger at ‘unholy mess’ over Burren scheme

CHANGES to an award-winning scheme that has supported farmers to deliver million of euros worth of conservation measures in the Burren have been branded...

Plenty more Heritage Week events to enjoy in Clare

THERE are many Heritage Week events still to enjoy in county Clare over the coming four days, a selection of which we will round...

Call for herbicide curb to promote ‘pissy bed’ pollinators

“PISSY beds and insects are a good thing,” members of Clare County Council heard at their May meeting.  The comments came from Green Party councillor,...

Twelve Clare communities funded to boost biodiversity

TWELVE Clare communities are getting support so they can step up local efforts to protect native plants and animals by developing biodiversity plans. The supports...

Ennis Tidy Towns’ wild biodiversity plan

ENNIS Tidy Towns has gone ‘wild’ about biodiversity. The local organisation launched its Wild About Ennis Biodiversity Plan for 2017- 2019 last Friday in...

Poulnasherry Bay subject of educational initiative

Five West Clare schools and volunteers from Kilrush Tidy Towns are participating in an environmental education initiative focusing on the aquatic and biodiversity resources...

‘Bug hotel’ extension at Ennis school

Ennis insects are living it up with five-star treatment in a “bug hotel”, thanks to the efforts of local national-school children. Up to 200 students...
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