CLARE County Council is to commence interim remedial works at the Tradaree Point wastewater treatment plant in Shannon this weekend.
The desludging of the plant is aimed at reducing sewage-related odours emanating from the facility. The works will continue next week and into the early weeks of 2014.
“Clare County Council wishes to alert residents, on a precautionary basis, that odours may be generated during the desludging operation because of the nature of the operation itself,” explained a Council spokesperson.
“Tanks will have to be drained down in sequence, and this may expose solid materials gathered on the floors of the tanks which may be a source of odour while they are being removed. However, even though the operation may cause odours in itself, the overall purpose of the operation is to alleviate odours in the longer term.”
“The Council has also secured aeration equipment to blow additional air into the tanks once they are desludged and refilled in sequence. This measure, when combined with the scheduled desludging works, is designed to alleviate odours emanating from the wastewater treatment plant,” the spokesperson added.
A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.