THE road in the Tobarteascáin area of Ennis is being used as a ‘rat run’ prompting calls from residents for speed ramps to be installed in the area. The Ennis Municipal District has confirmed that traffic and speed surveys are to be carried out in the location.
Highlighting the matter at the monthly meeting of the local authority, Councillor Mary Howard stated, “I have received numerous complaints from residents from Tobarteascáin regarding ongoing traffic issues.”
She said, “There are certain sections of the road where people can’t cross because of the speed of the traffic. It’s being used as a rat run and it’s only getting worse.” She added that drivers are “going around corners at speed” and she urged that more speed ramps be installed.
The motion was seconded by Councillor Johnny Flynn who acknowledged the improvement works that have been carried out in the area in recent years. “Unfortunately with upgrades to roads some drivers don’t take into account the safety of vulnerable road users.”
Eamon O’Dea, Senior Executive Engineer told the meeting, “The Ennis Municipal District will carry out traffic and speed surveys and discuss the outcome of the surveys with the Road Design Section. The outcome of the traffic and speed surveys may identify the necessity for actions by the Ennis Municipal District or an Garda Siochana.”