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Tag Archives: Ennis Municipal District

Clare reaffirms dedication to business in the Banner

AT last week’s AGM of Ennis Municipal District, Councillor Clare Colleran Molloy (FF) was elected mayor, an office she is to hold for the third time in ten years. Councillor Antoinette Baker Bashua (FF) was elected deputy mayor. After her election councillor Colleran Molloy paid tribute to her fellow councillors. “Thanks to my colleagues for this nomination, especially for the proposal from my party colleague, newly elected Councillor Antoinette Baker Bashua. I wish to extend congratulations to you all, especially to newly elected Councillors Tommy Guilfoyle and Antoinette Baker Bashua. With Antoinette’s election, I am delighted that we have maintained three female councillors in Ennis,” she said. “To Councillor Tom O’Callaghan, congratulations on being elected for the first time further to your co-option in late 2022 to former councillor Mark Nestor’s seat. “I wish to heartily congratulate councillors Mary Howard and Paul Murphy on your successful return in light of the particular challenges experienced by us. “Finally, may I congratulate …

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Public urged to have their say on renaming of bridge after McTigue

THE public are being urged to have their say on a proposal to rename a bridge in Ennis after a sporting legend of Clare. As reported in The Clare Champion earlier this month efforts are being made to change the name of Victoria Bridge at Cusack Road to The Mike McTigue Bridge in honour of the famous sportsman from Kilnamona. The Ennis Municipal District is now inviting the public to make submissions on the proposal with online consultation now open and continuing until Friday, April 7. The bridge is dated to 1840 and when this road was first built, the road was known as New Road. It later became Victoria Road, then Cusack Road. Mike McTigue was born in Lickaune, Kilnamona Co Clare in 1891, Mike was one of 11 sons and one daughter of Pat McTigue and Ellen McTigue (née Nylon). He emigrated to New York in 1912 where he went on to become a professional boxer and fought …

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New path “urgently” needed at Ennis business park entrance

A NEW path is “urgently” needed for the safety of the public at the entrance to the Clonroad Business Park, according to a local councillor. However, while the Ennis Municipal District has said it recognises the need, a funding application to the National Transport Authority for the works has been unsuccessful. Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Ennis Municipal District Councillor Tom O’Callaghan said that the path is vital due to the high numbers of pedestrians entering and exiting the business park describing it as an “extremely busy stretch”. He pointed out the site is home to an adult education campus, Enable Ireland and other businesses. He added, “I believe a new roundabout is justified because of increased traffic from Dunnes, glór, Clonroad road plus the Clonroad business park and now a new library. This is a very busy juncture that certainly requires a traffic management review in my opinion.” He voiced concerns that the location is “not very …

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Unco-operative landowners “jeapordising” Ballybeg improvements

A lack of co-operation from landowners is “jeapordising” a scheme aimed at improving the Ballybeg area, a meeting of Ennis councillors has been told. The local authority has secured part 8 planning permission and funding of €150,000 from the National Transport Authority under a Low-Cost Safety Scheme for the continuation of footpath construction at Radharc na hInse, Ballybeg. The scheme requires co-operation from landowners, and not all have given their agreement to date, the Ennis Municipal District meeting heard. Acting senior executive engineer Paddy Tiernan told a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District that the council are engaging with the relevant party and will continue to do so. However, he added if an agreement cannot be reached then a revised scheme could be necessary which would require another Part 8 application. Details of the status of the scheme were outlined following a request for an update by Councillor Paul Murphy. The councillor also sought information on the installation and turning …

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Clare landmark littered just hours after volunteers cleaned it

VOLUNTEERS who cleaned up a well known Clare landmark were shocked to discover that just hours later bags of rubbish were dumped again. Clarecastle Tidy Towns volunteers have been striving to keep Clareabbey litter free, however a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District heard this week that their efforts have been undermined by illegal dumping. Calls are being made by Ennis councillors for the introduction of CCTV in locations where fly-tipping and illegal dumping have become an issue. Councillor Paul Murphy praised the work of the Clarecastle volunteers, saying he believes that CCTV could act as a deterrent against dumping rubbish. The issue of littering was highlighted at the meeting by Councillor Ann Norton who pointed out that illegal dumping “is a crime” which can result in fines or being brought to court. She stressed the importance of ‘no dumping’ signs as a visible reminder and asked for a review of the number of signs on roads, and that the …

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‘Near misses’ at ‘death trap’ of Ennis pedestrian crossing

A PEDESTRIAN crossing on the Gort Road has been described as “a death trap at times” as calls were made for improved safety measures to be put in place to protect vulnerable road users. A recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District heard a local primary school has highlighted concerns about the crossing. According to Councillor Mary Howard there have been a number of “near misses” of vulnerable road users at the pedestrian crossing at Hogan’s Shop on the Gort Road in front of Glenina and Pine Grove estates. She asked the council, “Is it possible to upgrade this crossing to make it more visible to traffic to ensure the safety of users?” Responding to the motion Paddy Tiernan, acting senior executive engineer, stated that the Ennis Municipal District “commits to reviewing this pedestrian crossing and will investigate measures to improve the visibility of the crossing. “Branches of trees which impact the visibility of the crossing will be trimmed back. …

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Clarecastle accident prompts calls for safer junction

A WOMAN was knocked down and injured in Clarecastle, sparking calls for action to be taken on a “dangerous junction” in the village. A meeting of the Ennis Municipal District last week heard Councillors Paul Murphy and Tom O’Callaghan voice their fears for public safety at the junction where three roads meet. Councillor Murphy proposed that a Road Safety application be prepared and submitted “as soon as possible” seeking funding to improve safety at the junction of Barrack Street, Old Road and Church Drive / Creggaunahilla. “This is a dangerous junction where three roads meet and there is the added complication of a carpark being adjacent to it also, a number of pedestrians have been knocked down and this needs to be given priority urgently,” he said. While Councillor O’Callaghan also asked the council to review the Church Drive road “on safety grounds in Clarecastle due to increased traffic to and from Creggaunnahilla Housing Estate”. Responding to both councillors’ proposals …

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‘Lethal’ Ennis bridge a hazard to walkers’ safety

THE Drehidnagower Bridge in Ennis has been described as “lethal” as fresh calls have been made for a separate footbridge and footpath to be built to protect the safety of pedestrians. Councillor Mary Howard said she felt like a “scratched record” as she “once again” asked for funding to be sourced for the works at a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District. Responding to the motion Conor McDonagh, Executive Engineer, Road Design, said, “Transportation consultants have been appointed under this Active Travel scheme to carry out a transportation assessment, which includes a feasibility and option selection report to examine pedestrian / cyclist permeability over the Drehidnagower bridge. “They are currently undertaking necessary surveys on-site and preparing a suitable Multi Criteria Analysis under which all viable options will be assessed to determine the most appropriate solution. “When the emerging preferred option has been established, it will be necessary to apply to the NTA for further funding and seek approval to progress …

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