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Woodstock Hotel

Clare Rejects Family And Care Amendments

  Clare people have decided by an overwhelming majority to reject proposed amendments in the twin Family and Care referendums. The 39th Family Referendum was rejected...

Clare Voters Are Likely To Reject Two Referendum Changes

Early indications suggest Clare voters have voted No in the two Referendums on Friday. In total, 98 out of the 177 boxes have been opened...

Marie is Clare Older People’s Volunteer of the Year 2022

ENNIS’ Marie Molony has been named as Clare Older People’s Volunteer of the Year winner for 2022. Around 150 people attended an event in...

Musical Society replaces 2022 production with Woodstock gig

ENNIS Musical Society members old and new are coming together this April for an evening of song with A Night at the Musicals. The...

Clare’s tourism jewels highlighted in awards

THE Burren Ecotourism Network was one of the main winners in the Irish Independent’s ‘Reader Travel Awards, taking the green light award for sustainability’. The...

‘Pandemic payment should be reduced’

Ballyvaughan  hotel facing short-term closure due to staff shortages THE Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) should be dramatically scaled back and only paid to employees whose...

Tidy Towns winners celebrate

THE 2017 SuperValu TidyTowns awards for the South West and Mid-West region were presented at the Woodstock Hotel, Ennis on Friday. Minister of State, Pat...

Woodstock Hotel to reopen

FIFTY jobs are to be created at Woodstock Hotel, after the Choice Hotel Group bought the upmarket 67-bed hotel on the Shanaway Road, Ennis,...
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