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Susan McMahon

Clare publican: ‘It is time to lift all the doom and gloom’

RELIEF was palpable in Bodyke last weekend with the easing of pandemic restrictions and the return of customers to the long bar at The...

Banner bar buzz is back as restrictions lifted

THE buzz was back on Saturday night with the return to normal pub and restaurant opening hours and the removal of a most pandemic...

Publicans plea for chance to prove they can open responsibly

THE proprietors of an East Clare pub are appealing to the government to give them the chance to prove they can re-open and operate...

Hopes new Garda powers will allow full pub re-opening

CLARE vintners are hopeful that enhanced powers for Gardaí to close pubs not complying with Covid-19 guidelines, will pave the way for the full...

Survey reveals concerns over Slieve Bearnagh wind farm plan

CALLS for a public meeting between Coillte and members of the East Clare community are gathering momentum, following a survey of reactions to a...

Locals Raise Concerns Over East Clare Wind Farm Consultations

CONCERNS are being voiced in Bodyke about the nature of the consultation process surrounding a multimillion Euro wind farm proposed for the slopes of...
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