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HomeTagsMick O'Dea

Mick O'Dea

Uncovering the hidden Clare

Clare is a complicated county. A place of tradition and inspiration, of discipline and recklessness, of old habits and new beginnings. Editors Anne Jones...

The Clare artist, the pirate queen and the Monaco royals…

A PAINTING by Ennis artist Mick O’Dea is getting the royal treatment in its brand new home. His painting of the Grace O’Malley Tall...

Artist’s Civil War reflections on display in Clare Museum

A UNIQUE exhibition on the Irish Civil War of 1922-23 entitled 'An Alchemy of the Civil War' is now on at the Clare Museum. Artist...

Ennis artist presents rare works in documentary

ENNIS artist Mick O’Dea has been given unprecedented access to the State’s art collection housed in Leinster House for a landmark one-hour documentary, which...

John calls time on O’Dea’s

THE claim many years ago by Samuel  Johnson that “there is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness...

O’Dea on the mend

ENNIS born internationally-renowned artist Mick O’Dea has described his recent accident, which left him with serious injuries, as a “very close call.” The award-winning artist...
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