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Lions Club

Ennis Lion is pride of Ireland

AN Ennis Lion has become the pride of the organisation after being appointed District Governor of Lions Club Ireland, making him the most...

Scouts and Lions join forces ahead of Message in a Bottle launch

WHEN Maria Molloy sent out an SOS for some help with the Lions Club ‘Message in a Bottle’ there was no need for The...

Lions Club PHEW appeal aims to bring relief to families in need

THE latest fundraising initiative by Ennis Lions Club aims to fuel support for vulnerable local families who are facing the desperate choice between being...

Lions roar with An Post

The founding of Lions Clubs International, one hundred years ago, is celebrated on An Post’s new international postage stamp.   The €1.35 stamp, which covers standard...

Sadie’s lifetime of charity work in Gort

YEARS of active involvement in the Gort community means Sadie McInerney is not quite ready to give up her work in raising money for...

Diabetes screening at ploughing championship

Following on the detection of potential diabetes in more than 600 visitors to the National Ploughing Championship last year, Lions Clubs plan to screen...

A tribute to the late Tom McGrath

DESCRIBED as a “visionary in the area of mental health”, many tributes have been paid to the late Tom McGrath, Coole Lodge, Francis Street,...
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