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Positive reception for Limerick and Clare ETB offering

EDUCATION and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) have released new market research which it says shows strong public support for the programmes its members deliver. The...

Call & Response festival sparking creativity in Clare

A HANDBALL alley in West Clare might not seem like the obvious place to showcase artistic talent, however this weekend at Querrin Pier the...

Efforts to secure school places for all commended

EFFORTS by patrons to ensure a place at second level is made available to all pupils in Ennis and feeder communities have been commended....

Celebration of youth creativity in Kilrush, Ennis and Shannon

A FEAST of music, dance, painting, crafts and film is in store for young people across Clare and Limerick, with an event entitled, Scairt...

Local ETB launches Ireland’s first Bicycle Engineering Traineeship

With renewed interest and increased growth in bicycle usage driven in part by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board...

A countywide celebration of adult learning

A CELEBRATION of adult learning will take place throughout the county next week. Aontas Adult Learner Week runs from Monday, until Saturday, March 1...
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