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Tag Archives: James Kilbane

Lisdoonvarna church concert to raise the roof

A CHRISTMAS concert in Lisdoonvarna’s Corpus Christi Church is aiming to raise the roof in more ways than one. Country and gospel singer James Kilbane will be performing in the church on Sunday, December 11, with funds raised from the event going towards much needed renovations and repairs to the church. Fr Robert McNamara, parish priest, outlined that Corpus Christi Church was constructed in 1868 and now sections of the roof are in great need of repair with the replacement of slates and gutters. “There is much dampness inside the church as well, as a result. These church areas need internal sealing and dampness repair on the internal roof and walls. The church’s bell tower also needs extensive repair work. “The reality is that urgent funds for repairs are needed as well as for the maintenance of the other church buildings in the parish in Kilshanny, Doolin, and Toovahera. “All support to the event will be greatly appreciated from the …

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