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Terence stopped to smell the roses, all because of Daisy

A 64-YEAR-OLD Yorkshire greyhound fanatic is still on track with his happiness goal after taking his most profitable “gamble” by moving to South-East Clare....

Clare greyhounds challenge for Clonmel classics

THE local qualifiers may not be as numerous as other years but there is nonetheless a strong challenge for honours at the 93rd National Coursing...

Kilmihil leads the challenge in Clonmel

THE Clare contingent will travel with a fair degree of confidence to the National Coursing Meeting in Clonmel this week-end, with some worthy representatives...

Clare’s chances at Clonmel enhanced

WITH the county’s biggest number of qualifiers in recent years, Clare’s chances of taking one of the classics at the National Coursing Meeting in...

A greyhound’s life after racing

WHAT happens to greyhounds after their track or coursing career has ended? It’s been a difficult question to address in the past but more...

Turbo Julie to fly in Oaks

THIS weekend's National Coursing meeting at Clonmel is expected to attract a big Clare contingent. Noticeable for the 2014 meeting is the amount of qualifiers that...
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