PLANS for a glamping development on the outskirts of Killaloe have been given the green light by Clare County Council.
Elaine and Patrick Scanlon, c/o Andrew Hersey Planning, secured planning approval for six glamping pods, toilet block, car parking area, vehicular access, waste water treatment plant and ancillary site works at Lackenbawn, Killaloe subject to nine planning conditions.
The planning authority considered the proposed development would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity and would be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
One of the planning conditions stipulated the mitigation measures set out in the Natura Impact Statement – which were received by the planning authority on April 14 last – have to be implemented in full throughout the construction phase of the development.
Prior to the start of the development, the applicant has to pay a contribution of €6,354 to the council in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting the development.
The applicant also has to submit detailed plans for the management of surface water on the site during the construction phase, designed in accordance with the mitigation measures included in its Natura Impact Statement.
Proposals are also expected for the eradication of Japanese Knotweed from the site and ongoing future monitoring prepared by a suitable contractor before the start of work on the development.
All surface water generated within the site boundaries during the operational phase of development, has to be collected and disposed of within the curtilage of the site to prevent pollution.
According to a council planning report, the applicant’s Natura Impact Statement sets out a series of mitigation relating to silt fencing, the management of Japanese Knotweed, surface water drainage and the construction methodology.
The NIS concluded that, subject to the full and proper implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the proposed development will not adversely impact the integrity of any Natura 2000 site.
Clare County Council had previously sought additional information from the applicants in a bid to address its concerns about a number of aspects of the development.
In its request for further information, the local planning authority noted the proposal site directly adjoins the Ballyteigue River, which has direct hydrology connectivity to the Lower River Shannon Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
Therefore, the development must be assessed in terms of its potential impact on this designated site and its compliance with Objective CDP14.2 European Sites of the Clare County Development Plan 2017 to 2023 as varied.
“It must be satisfactorily demonstrated that the proposed development including any advanced works, which have been undertaken will not have a significant adverse effect on the status of the European site and its associated qualifying interest features and will not negatively affect the conservation objectives or the integrity of the SAC.
“In order to facilitate the planning authority in carrying out its assessment under the Habitats Directive, a screening for Appropriate Assessment must be carried out by a suitably qualified person. This assessment must consider both the construction and operational elements of the proposal.”
The resultant Screening Report must be submitted to the planning authority in response to this request for further information. The proposed site is partially located in an area, which is identified as Flood Zone A in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 to 2023 as varied.
The planning authority stated the proposed use of the site for holiday accommodation is categorised as a “vulnerable land use” with respect to flood risk and the potential inundation of the site raises health and safety concerns.
In order to address these concerns the applicant has been requested to submit a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment of the proposed development assessing the potential for inundation at the proposal site,” the council stated.
In relation to access and parking on the proposed site, the submission of revised parking proposals was required, making provision for both visitor and staff parking as well as details of cycle parking facilities on the site.
In a submission, Zoe Hassett claimed the proposed development is outside the protocol of the Clare County Development Plan. Senator Timmy Dooley and Councillor Alan O’Callaghan wrote to the planing authority to be placed on the planning file as public representatives to ensure they can be updated of any progress, which was accepted.
A letter from the Garraunboy Water Scheme stated the applicants have been accepted to the scheme to facilitate the provision of water for this development.
East Clare correspondent, Dan Danaher is a journalism graduate of Rathmines and UL. He has won numerous awards for special investigations on health, justice, environment, and reports on news, agriculture, disability, mental health and community.