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HomeLifestyleThe search for the next Miss Clare is now on

The search for the next Miss Clare is now on

THE search for Miss Clare 2022 is now on and organisers of this year’s Miss Ireland competition are urging the women of the Banner to shine like a diamond and get involved.

This year marks its 75th Jubilee of the Miss Ireland competition and the search has officially begun for Miss Clare 2022.

Selections will run all over the country to find contestants from each county with beauty, poise and personality to take part in the Miss Ireland 2022 competition next summer.

The winner from each county will represent their county at the most spectacular ever Diamond Jubilee Miss Ireland show. The winner of each of the county crowns and sashes also enjoy representing their county and title throughout the year at various events, awards and appearances. Full details on how to enter Miss Ireland 2022 are available on www.miss-ireland.ie or on the Miss Ireland App.

The finalists of Miss Ireland this year will be put through their paces in a challenging competitive process testing their skills in debating, public speaking, talent, sports, modelling, social media and each finalist will be tasked with raising much-needed awareness and funds for their chosen charities.

Established in 1947, Miss Ireland has been the launch pad for many eminent, successful, and inspiring women in Ireland.

In recent years the Miss Ireland Franchise has raised over €300,000 for various charities including Laura Lynn, Temple Street, Alzheimer’s Ireland, Pieta House, The Cari Foundation and this year are partners, once again, with Variety Ireland, an Irish charity helping sick, disadvantaged and children with special needs since 1951.

The winner of Miss Ireland 2022 will receive an agency contract and a host of prizes including jewellery, gowns, professional photo shoots, beauty and hair products and then jet off to represent her country at the Miss World Festival which is televised in over 100 countries around the world.

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