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HomeArts & CultureCall goes out to contribute to unique sound art piece

Call goes out to contribute to unique sound art piece

AS PART of the PIMA Fest in Ennis, there will be another opportunity to take part in an exciting audio project.

Sounding Ennis, is a generative sound installation by artists Kerry Hagan and Nicholas Ward which will be displayed in Glór for PIMA! Fest on October 15 and 16. 

There is an open call to anyone who would like to take part and submissions need to be made by September 5.

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To take part in ‘Sounding Ennis’ record the sounds around you and submit them to be included in the sound artwork.

Record interesting moments in your life and submit them to be include in the sound artwork. Recordings can be of anything in your life – sounds of your kitchen; sounds from your commute; something from a sports event or playground; your grandmother telling a story; sounds from your daily walk; anything you find interesting.

Getting involved is free, fun, takes a couple of minutes of your time. The result will be a truly unique sound artwork. Please read the instructions on how to submit on Musicgenerationclare.ie.

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