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Tag Archives: Ukrainians

Lisdoonvarna move means job losses and more upset for traumatised kids, say Ukrainian refugees

ALREADY driven out of their homes and in many cases bereaved due to Russian barbarity, Ukrainian refugees at Phoenix House in Shannon were given just a fortnight’s notice that they would be relocated to Lisdoonvarna. For many of working age it will mean the loss of their jobs as very few of the Ukrainian community there have their own cars. For elderly people it will mean having to get public transport from Lisdoonvarna to Limerick for medical appointments, with the process to be negotiated through a language barrier. For children it means more instability, after already having fled their homes and been through the trauma of witnessing the horror of war up close. On  last Friday afternoon, many of the Ukrainians who have to leave Phoenix House spoke to the Clare Champion about having to start over again. Most of those we spoke to were from cities that have become familiar to Irish people from the Russian barbarity of the …

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