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Tag Archives: smartphone

Libraries hold smartphone classes for older people

CLARE libraries are helping older people ring in the changes when it comes to using getting to grips with new technology. Clare County library has announced a series of Smart Phone classes for older people in a number of libraries beginning at the end of September. The daytime classes will take place in the following libraries: Ennistymon, Kilkee, Shannon, Scariff, and Ennis. The three-week programme will include a session on Zoom video conferencing and the WhatsApp platform so that participants can learn how to connect with others and how to avail of online classes and activities. The classes will be of two hours duration and will take place in the mornings or afternoons. Numbers at the classes are limited due to current restrictions. Clare Libraries will run a second set of classes later in the year. The classes are for those who have not got a smart phone or have just recently received one. The Smart Phone classes will run …

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Free smartphone, tablet and computer instruction on offer to older people

AGE Action, Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people and ageing, is offering older people the opportunity to improve their digital literacy skills so they can be more informed, connected and independent. The Age Action ‘Getting Started’ programme is five hours of free one-to-one tutoring for older people who want to learn or develop their skills on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Age Action will match people with a volunteer who will tutor them over the phone. The programme is learner led meaning the class is designed for the person to learn what they want to learn. Typically, classes cover topics like how to set up an email, how to download an app, and how to use video to meet friends or family. Age Action will also send learners a 40-page booklet with images to help with tutoring sessions. People can find out more and register for the Age Action Getting Started KIT classes by calling Age Action on 01 …

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Smartphone classes for older people in Clare libraries

A SERIES of smartphone classes for older people in a number of libraries across Clare will begin at the end of September. The daytime classes will take place in the libraries in Ennis, Shannon, Scariff, Kilkee and Ennistymon. The four-week programme will include a session on Zoom video conferencing and the WhatsApp platform so that participants can learn how to connect with others and how to avail of online classes and activities. The tutor-led classes will be of two hours’ duration and will take place in the mornings or afternoons. Numbers at the classes are limited due to current restrictions. The classes are specifically for those who do not have a smartphone or have just recently received one. Karen Fennessy, Age Friendly Development Officer for Clare County Council, has advised that many older people felt isolated when cocooning during Covid-19 restrictions. Other Council staff on the Clare Covid-19 community response helpline also noted requests for service provision for older people, …

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Gardaí urge smartphone users to be ‘Streetwise’

LATEST statistics show that 163 mobile phones were reported stolen in Clare since the beginning of 2019. Gardaí are appealing for smartphone owners to be ’Streetwise’ by downloading a trusted “find my phone” app and adding an emergency contact number to their phone as of the €5 million worth of mobile phones stolen nationwide, only 10% are recovered. The appeal follows the release of figures by the Garda Síochána Analysis Service which show that 11,488 mobile phones have been stolen since the beginning of 2019. Of those, only 1,176 have been recovered. Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Dean Kerins said, “The price of mobile phones makes them a clear target for criminals, so let’s try and deter them by increasing phone security. If you a have a smartphone, we recommend downloading a trusted location finder app so if it is lost or stolen, you have a better chance of getting it back. Some phones already have a feature like this already so have …

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