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Rural Resettlement Ireland

West Clare Cancer Centre never received Wynne’s €12k payment

IT has emerged that the West Clare Cancer Centre never received a financial boost of just over €12,000 that was expected to come to...

€12,116 Wynne windfall for West Clare Charity

A West Clare charity has received an unexpected windfall of €12,116 following the transfer of funds owed to another charitable organisation by General Election...

Deputy Wynne pledges to donate €12,000 rent arrears to charity

POLL-topper Violet-Anne Wynne has pledged to donate her estimated rent arrears of €12,000 to a mental health charity following her eviction from social housing...

poll-topper asked to donate €12,000 rent arrears to homeless charity

GENERAL Election poll topper Violet-Anne Wynne has chosen to remain tight-lipped on a request to make a donation to a homeless charity of her...

Dublin’s ‘new homeless’ could save West Clare schools

KILBAHA based Rural Resettlement Ireland (RRI) founder, Jim Connolly has said some of Dublin’s ‘new homeless’ could move to West Clare and save some...
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