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Gardaí investigate knifepoint robbery in Ennis

GARDAÍ are appealing for the public's help after a knife wielding robber escaped from an Ennis business with a sum of money.  A man holding...

Pharmacy staff robbed at knife point

Staff were left traumatised after a lone male, armed with a knife, entered the Clarecastle Pharmacy and took a small amount of cash. The incident...

Ennis robbery file for DPP

A man in his 20s arrested by gardaí in connection with an investigation into a robbery at a shop on the Kilrush Road in ...

Gardaí investigate armed robbery

AN investigation has been launched following an armed robbery at a filling station on the outskirts of Ennis on Sunday night. Gardaí are appealing...

Armed robbery at Ennis Shop sparks man hunt

Gardaí in Ennis investigating the armed robbery of a shop in Ennis last night (Sunday) are now hunting for a man in his early...

Cash taken from Cliffs of Moher visitor centre

UP to €20,000 is believed to have been taken in a robbery from the Cliffs of Moher visitor centre between 10pm on Sunday night...

Hotel receptionist threatend with syringe

Gardaí at Limerick are investigating a robbery which occurred at a hotel on the Dock Road, in the city earlier to day. A lone male...

Killaloe gardai seek public’s assistance

Gardai in Killaloe are looking for the help of the public in trying to identify three males who were seen near a house in...
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