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Hero Clare paramedic saves man from burning building in Limerick

A Clare paramedic and his colleague from Cork have been hailed as “heroes” after they saved a man from a burning apartment in Limerick. Michael...

Advanced paramedics could relieve UHL logjam – councillor

ADVANCED paramedics should be permitted to use their clinical judgement to treat patients for non-life threatening injuries in their own homes when they deem...

man treated after Ennis house fire

One man was taken to University Hospital Limerick (UHL) as a precaution following a house fire in Ennis on Sunday . Emergency services were called to the scene after 6pm on Sunday when a fire was reported at a house on the Tulla Road near the entrance to the Castlerock Housing Estate. Two units of the fire brigade, an ambulance and gardaí responded to the incident, arriving within minutes. When firemen arrived they found the house was smoke logged. Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus entered the house to check there was no one inside. They quickly located a fire in the kitchen area and brought it under control. It is understood the fire originated in the kitchen in the vicinity of the cooker. Firemen also vented the house by opening all the windows and by using positive pressure ventilated fans. This process involves using large petrol driven fans to blow fresh air into the dwelling and to get rid of any smoke. No major external damage was caused to the outside of the building. One man was treated at the scene by National Ambulance Service paramedics and was later taken to University Hospital Limerick (UHL) as a precaution. The Clare Fire and Rescue Service has categorised the incident as a relatively minor fire as there was no significant injuries or damage.   Dan Danaher  

Paramedic shortage putting lives “at risk”

THE lack of 19 paramedics for the Clare ambulance service and the frequent withdrawal of the rapid response vehicle (RRV) from the county to...
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