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Clare Champion Print Subscription
HomeTagsMineral prospecting

mineral prospecting

Meeting hears call to ban mineral prospecting in Clare

MORE than 30 people attended an online meeting last week to voice opposition to plans for mineral prospecting in East Clare, writes Fiona McGarry. The...

Appeal to ‘keep Tulla untouched’ as mineral prospecting looms

CONCERN over the possibility of mineral prospecting in East Clare has prompted the formation of an opposition group in the Tulla area.  buy lariam...

Opposition grows to Clare mineral prospecting plan

OPPOSITION to mineral prospecting in East Clare has stepped up a gear, now that extra time for public consultation has been secured, writes Fiona...

Mineral prospecting licence considered for two Clare areas

PROSPECTING for minerals in parts of Tulla and Bunratty may be give the green light, a government department has said.  The Department of the Environment,...
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