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Tag Archives: Kratom

Revenue seize drugs worth €20,000 at Shannon Airport

AS a result of routine operations on Tuesday, February 9, Revenue Officers at Shannon Airport seized over 1kg of the drug Kratom. The illegal drugs have an estimated value of €20,000 and were discovered in a parcel originating from the Netherlands. The parcel was declared as ‘moringa extract’ and was destined for an address in County Galway. Investigations are ongoing. This seizure is part of Revenue’s ongoing operations targeting the importation of illegal drugs. Officers have asked that businesses, or members of the public, with any information regarding smuggling,  contact Revenue in confidence on Confidential Phone Number 1800 295 295.

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Drugs seizure at Shannon Airport

As a result of routine operations, Revenue officers in Shannon and Cork airports seized seven separate packages containing the controlled drug Kratom, worth a total estimated value of €66,000. Some €41,000 of the total was seized at Shannon. The drugs were in powder and capsule form and were destined for Clare, Cork and Galway. Kratom comes from a tropic tree, grown in South East Asia. At low doses it has cocaine-like stimulant effects, but at higher doses it can have sedative-narcotic effects.  It is either chewed, smoked or made into a tea and long term effects of its use can include psychosis. The controlled drugs were in powder and capsule form and were destined for addresses in Clare, Cork and Galway. Investigations are ongoing. These routine operations are part of Revenue’s ongoing work targeting smuggling and shadow economy activity. If businesses, or members of the public have any information, they can contact Revenue in confidence on Confidential Phone Number 1800 …

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