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Tag Archives: JPC

At least three Lahinch pubs have barred stags, JPC told

AT LEAST three pubs in Lahinch are not allowing stag parties any more, Bill Slattery claimed at this week’s meeting of the Clare Joint Policing Committee.  Just days away from the June Bank Holiday weekend he said he was pleading that a couple of Gardai be provided to Lahinch for the hours between 7pm and 3am on Bank Holiday weekends over the summer. “People are afraid to drive through the area at that hour,” he claimed. Mr Slattery said that at the moment Ennistymon Garda Station is closed at night time and if there is anti-social behaviour, Gardai have to bring those involved to Kilrush.  Speaking afterwards Mr Slattery said that many young visitors to Lahinch have been noticeably wilder since restrictions ended, and there has been an absence of Gardai at nigh time. “Since the restrictions were lifted there seems to be a different mindset among the stag parties that are coming into Lahinch, they’re coming in large groups …

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Crime surges in Clare as society reopens post-pandemic

THE reopening of society has contributed to a surge in reported crime in Clare, the joint policing committee heard this week. Among the headline figures were a 90% increase in burglaries; a 105% increase in thefts from shops; a 59% increase in detections of drink/drug driving and a 34% increase in domestic disputes. At this week’s meeting of the Clare Joint Policing Committee, Chief Superintendent Sean Colleran said that there have been dramatic increases in some categories of crime in the early part of 2022 compared to 2021. He added however that that was down to the relaxation of Covid restrictions, and the figures are not significantly worse than pre-pandemic. Clare’s most senior garda gave a presentation to the meeting which showed that in the January to April period of last year Clare had just 29 burglaries, but the figure was 55 for the same period of 2022, a rise of 90%. Thefts from shops increased from 55 in the …

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Chief assures JPC that gardai are on top of feud video nasties

ASSURANCES have been sought on the Garda response to “intense violence” in a number of recent incidents that have gone viral in videos on social media.  Deputy Joe Carey asked Clare’s most senior Garda about the issue at this week’s meeting of the Joint Policing Committee (JPC). Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran said some of the incidents have resulted in court appearances.  “You will be aware of a number of incidents that have been circulating on social media, with really intense violence being portrayed,” Deputy Carey told the Chief. “I have fed that back to yourselves. Possibly, you’re not in a position to comment on those, with ongoing investigations, but it is a matter of concern in the community that this type of activity would be ongoing. I’d like if you could reassure the public today that An Garda Síochána are doing everything in your power to bring these people to justice.” Responding, Chief Superintendent Colleran confirmed that the force is …

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Council and HSE need to step up for JPC, says Clare councillor

FAR reaching questions about the operation of the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) have been raised by a West Clare councillor, who believes the local authority can do more to support the Gardaí. At the quarterly meeting of Clare’s JPC, Councillor Ian Lynch said the most active participants appeared to be An Garda Síochána and more integration between the stakeholders is possible. With the development of a new seven-year plan for the JPC, the Independent member said the time was opportune to address the issue.  “The meetings are very functional and serve a purpose,” he said, “but there are a couple of things I think we need to look at. “There are seven aims in the plan and they’re very needed and very topical: Supporting the JPC in Crime Prevention; Protecting the Vulnerable, Anti-Social Behaviour, Supporting Community Initiatives; Supporting Volunteers; Responding to Victims’ Needs and  Road Safety. “They all come up here regularly. The problem I have with the current set …

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Scams ‘top of policing agenda’ says Clare’s garda chief

SCAM and fraud prevention are top of the policing agenda, Clare’s most senior Garda has pledged.  Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran made that commitment after telling the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) that incidents of fraud and economic crime have more than doubled in recent times. Figures released by the Chief show an increase of 110% in such crimes over the three months from November to January, when compared to the same period last year.  The revelation coincided with a letter to the JPC from Clare Older People’s Council who raised concerns about a spate of scam calls. JPC administrator Karen Fennessy said the organisation was looking for advice from Gardaí and that the calls were causing “great stress and upset”.  Superintendent John Galvin agreed the problem is widespread and he appealed to people not to open suspicious text messages in particular. “We are looking into all aspects of this issue,’ he said. “It’s a national and international problem. A lot of …

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‘Alarming’ increase in thefts from shops in Clare

A RISE in theft from shops is putting small business owners under severe pressure, Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) has heard.  An increase of 69% in reported incidents was revealed by Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran, who said the spike seems to coincide with the reopening of the economy. The figures relate to the period of November to January when compared to the same period in 2020/21. “The one thing about theft form shops is that there’s quite a high detection rate,” the Chief said. “Whereas the figure itself can be alarming, certainly we have strong investigative processes for that.” Nonetheless, the numbers were described by Councillor Pat Daly as “alarming”. “There are shops who can’t afford CCTV and they are being robbed every day of the week,” he said. “I would appeal to our Oireachtas members to see if grant support can be provided because every shop should have CCTV. In this day and age, there should be some sort …

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North Clare farmers threatened by shotgun-wielding thugs

FARMERS in North Clare are being “terrorised” on their own lands and a Garda Inspector has been assigned to look into the issue.  Clare’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) was told, at its quarterly meeting, that a proactive response is needed from Gardaí, after the issue was raised by two Dáil deputies. The matter was highlighted by Deputy Cathal Crowe who handed over a number of registration numbers to the Chief Superintendent.  “There’s a group of farmers in the Liscannor area who are being terrorised at the moment,” he said. “Very frequently, people come onto their land with shotguns, hunting for rabbits and foxes, and, as a farmer is entitled to, they approach them to clear them, only to be told the gun will be used on them. This is happening repeatedly. “It’s one thing to be terrorised on the streets, but to be terrorised on your own property is an entirely different thing. So, they work together and they’re in …

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Councillors claim overgrown hedgerows taking out vehicle wing mirors

VEGETATION encroaching on a number of roads in East Clare has resulted in drivers losing wing mirrors and windscreens, a meeting of the Killaloe Municipal District has heard. The topic was raised by Councillor Pat Burke who described it as “a famous item” as it is comes up so often. “Many landowners do great work, but there are still sections of our roads where they don’t,” he said. “In this day and age, people deserve better, particularly drivers of HGVs. The problem hasn’t gone away. “The council are doing their bit and lots of landowners do good work. Some respond to letters from the Municipal District office, but others don’t. It’s a major problem. “Last Saturday, a lorry driver broke a mirror. In this day and age, it’s not good enough. Driving a car is no problem, but if you’re in a lorry or a tractor, mirrors are at risk. It’s awful to think you have to keep out to …

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