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‘We wouldn’t have power or water only for Pat Hayes’

A 70-year-old woman, who struggled to look after her son who is paralysed from the shoulders down during the electricity blackout, has claimed an...

Lions Club PHEW appeal aims to bring relief to families in need

THE latest fundraising initiative by Ennis Lions Club aims to fuel support for vulnerable local families who are facing the desperate choice between being...

Electricity back all over Clare

ESB Networks have now restored power all over the county following Hurricane Ophelia. On Monday some 6,700 customers lost power as a result of the...

ESB warning on risks over Christmas

With a massive increase in domestic electricity use over Christmas, together with the risk of fallen wires in winter conditions, ESB Networks has advised...

Consultant deflects objections to €5m Cratloe solar farm

Terra Solar, which is leading the development of solar energy generation in Clare, has submitted additional information to Clare County Council in relation to...

Power outage in Ennis

Over 1,500 homes and businesses are currently affected by a power outage in Ennis. The fault occurred shortly before 4pm this afternoon and is affecting...

€30m investment plan in Clare solar power

Plans have been unveiled for the development of six solar farms, which could result in €30 million renewable energy investment in the county over...

Storm Jake hits Clare

Over 2,000 homes and businesses were left without power after Storm Jake ripped through the county overnight and into early today (Wednesday). Wind gusts exceeding...
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