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DNA search for lost Clare father

AN ENGLISH woman of Clare descent is appealing to the people of Clare to help her trace her long lost biological grandfather. Born in...

Fire victim identified by DNA

A DNA sample taken from a razor blade belonged to elderly fire victim, was crucial in positively identifying the man’s remains. On April 4 this year, 86-year-old Patrick...

Mountshannon cattle rustler gets suspended prison sentence

A Mountshannon farmer has received a suspended three year jail term and ordered to pay a €3,000 fine after it was uncovered using DNA...

Gardaí praised for tracing Mountshannon cattle rustler

EAST Clare gardaí and the Department of Agriculture were today commended for what was described as “without question the most outstanding piece of...

Ballyvaughan skeleton identified as male

Investigations into the skeletal remains of a teenage boy discovered in a cave outside Ballyvaughan five years ago have shed new light on the...

Focus on West Clare DNA path

A lecture in Kilrush on Tuesday will examine how it has recently become possible to use DNA to identify where in West Clare ancestors...
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