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Data Centre

An Bord Pleanala won’t oppose data centre appeal

AN Bord Pleanála have told the High Court it will not oppose an appeal to the decision to grant planning permission for a €1.2...

Ennis data centre proposal features on BBC’s Panorama

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a proposed €450 million data centre in Ennis, currently awaiting a decision by An Bord Pleanala, featured on an episode of...

Councillor quits 2040 role after appealing against data centre

AN Ennis councillor has resigned from the company set up to deliver Ennis 2040 objectives having appealed to An Bord Pleanala against controversial plans...

Council to get €2.1m contribution from Ennis Data Centre

FIFTEEN conditions were attached to the decision to grant planning permission to Art Data Centres, one of which is that it pays over €2...

Division over planning approval for Ennis Data Centre

THE development of a €450 million data centre on the outskirts of Ennis moved closer this week, as Clare County Council granted it planning...

Developers claim data centre could heat more than 1,000 homes

OVER 1,100 homes could benefit from high grade heat generated as part of the planned €1.2 billion data centre campus in Ennis. It has...

Plans for €1.2bn Clare data centre on hold as Council seeks further information

A DECISION on planning permission for the construction of a €1.2 billion data centre campus in Ennis has been put on hold as Clare...

Council ‘confident’ about Ennis data centre

NEGOTIATIONS are ongoing to find an end user for the proposed Ennis data centre, and this week County Council chief executive Pat Dowling said...
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