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Warning to householders on burglaries

Following the publication today (Friday) of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) third Quarterly Household Survey, householders are being urged to remain on their guard...

New campaign to combat burglary

Crimestoppers, together with the Garda Síochána and PhoneWatch, has launched a new campaign to combat the problem of burglary. The campaign is calling on members...

Nationwide appeal on livestock theft

In recent weeks, there have been several incidents of livestock theft, leading to a renewed nationwide appeal from Crimestoppers, the Irish Farmers Association and...

Crimestoppers making inroads

A large number of criminal activities including incidents of attempted murder, drug dealing and cybercrime were successfully tackled during 2014 with information provided by...

€10,000 reward to stop livestock theft

A new national campaign, with a €10,000 reward for “significant information”, has been launched to combat the problem of livestock theft. Jointly organised by Crimestoppers,...
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