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Tag Archives: Covid-19 Tracker App

Ballyvaughan GP urges greater use of Covid tracker app

GREATER reassurance around privacy of the HSE’s Tracker App is critical, a Ballyvaughan GP has said. Dr Liam Glynn, who is a professor of General Practice at the University of Limerick (UL) made his remarks after a research project, in which he was involved, revealed that 40% of app users are unconvinced of its benefits in the fight against Covid-19.D Dr Glynn, who is a member of the COVIGILANT research partnership between UL and NUI Galway, said the reopening of the economy next year would lead to an increase in risk of contracting the disease and said every tool was necessary in keeping levels of transmission to a minimum. Almost four in ten users of the HSE’s Covid Tracker App reported they are unsure of its benefit in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, researchers found. The COVIGILANT team has now called for the results of the survey to be considered when planning communications around the value of …

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