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Tag Archives: Corrovorrin River

Biodiversity study needed for Corrovorrin River

AT the September meeting of Clare County Council, Sinn Féin’s Tommy Guilfoyle sought a biodiversity study on the Corrovorrin River. His motion to the meeting said, “The river Fergus winds its way down through the North Clare MD and into the Shannon Estuary in the West Clare MD. The river’s banks and surrounds play a major role in our county’s flood defences. Alongside that serious function, it also plays a massive role in our county’s wildlife and biodiversity. “To enable the County Council to protect these key functions I request that the County Council carry out a Biodiversity Study and create an action plan on the Corrovorrin River (Fergus Minor) from the former West Clare metal bridge (adjacent to Aughanteeroe Estate) downstream to its confluence with the Fergus River at the railway metal bridge (adjacent to Knox’s bridge) in order to protect the existing undeveloped riverside corridor for biodiversity and nature-based flood solutions.” A written reply to his motion said, …

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