Clare Champion Print Subscription
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Clare Champion Print Subscription


“Thank God for modern technology, it helps you to reach out”

A DEFINING part of many Clare people's weekend is attendance at mass, but that will not be the case for the next three weekends...

When the masses went online…

WHILE the technology to do it fairly easily has been available for several years now, it is only since the onset of Covid-19 that...

Fr Des brushes off bishop talk

NEWLY appointed Killaloe Diocesan Administrator, Fr Des Hillery, has dismissed suggestions that he may have an interest in succeeding Bishop Kieran O’Reilly, who is...

Old scórs to be settled

MEMORIES of cultural contests of years gone by will be rekindled at the West County on November 21. Settling Old Scórs is being organised by...

Mass broadcast from Cloughleigh

RTÉ Radio mass will be broadcast from Cloughleigh Church, Ennis on Sunday. The mass will feature music and singing from the Scoil Chríost Rí,...
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