CLARE County Council pays more to female staff than any other local authority, an analysis of gender pay gap data shows.
In a survey conducted by The Irish Independent, Clare topped the league table in terms of Councils whose gender pay gap favours women. Figures released in December place Clare among 13 local authorities where female employees are paid more than their male counterparts.
The Council’s recently-published Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022 reveals, for the first time, the average hourly wage of men and women across the workforce. The 2022 report shows a Mean Gender Pay Gap of -7.04%. This means that on average, females working for Clare County Council occupy higher paid roles than males. According to the authority, its Median Gender Pay Gap of -15.73% means that there is “a strong representation of females in upper management roles in Clare County Council”.
The Council’s January management report stated: “Publishing our gender pay gap data helps to reinforce our focus on supporting an open and inclusive workplace at Clare County Council. Our organisation is a place where all employees have the same opportunities for recognition and career development and are treated fairly and equitably at work. We continue to be committed to addressing workplace barriers to equality and creating an open and inclusive workplace community. Many equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and supports are already in place, and we will continue to work in this area.”
In Clare, the local authority has a workplace that is 62% male and 38% female. Staff are employed in a range of roles including accounts, administration, architecture, conservation, engineering, library services, fire services, planning, outdoor services and management.
The authority’s annual report outlines a range of issues to support gender equality in the workplace including work life balance measures, blended working, learning and development, health and wellbeing, dignity at work, equality, diversity and inclusion, public sector duty, apprenticeship and work placement and staff profiles that support gender equality.
In respect of gender and pay, Clare County Council joins authorities in Galway, Mayo, Leitrim, Offaly, Dún Laoighaire-Rathdown, Kerry, Kildare, Roscommon, Wexford, Wicklow and South Dublin in the one-third where the gap favours women.
In general, the gender pay gap in Irish local authorities bucks the national trend where it favours men by around 11%. Organisations with more than 250 staff are required by law to publish details of average pay to male and female employees. Donegal County Council reported a 0% pay gap between the men and women it employs. Carlow County Council had a pay gap of 6.56% favouring men last year, while Limerick City and County Council favoured men by just over 6%.