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HomeBreaking NewsThief caught after trying to sell stolen bikes on Facebook page

Thief caught after trying to sell stolen bikes on Facebook page

Clare Champion Print Subscription

A hapless serial bicycle thief was caught red-handed by Gardai after he put up some of his stolen bikes for sale on his personal Facebook page, a court has heard.

At Kilrush District Court, Adam Sullivan (19) of Fort Road, Cappa, Kilrush, pleaded guilty to the theft and handling of bikes valued at a combined €4,750.

In total, 10 bicycles were stolen from holiday makers staying at Aylevaroo Caravan Park in Kilrush in August 2021 and the most expensive bikes stolen included a Drag Racer valued at €1,900 and a Carrera Valour and a Bentini Frazier each worth €400 and €500.

Judge Mary Larkin told the court that “this was an organised crime and warrants a jail term”.

However, Judge Larkin said that she would consider community service for Sullivan who has no previous convictions.

The court was told that Sullivan’s girlfriend is expecting the couple’s baby and Judge Larkin told solicitor for Sullivan, Patrick Moylan: “If he wants me to stay my hand, he better have a job.

“He shouldn’t be coming here in September with no job and no way of supporting his new baby. These aren’t robins that you put out a nest for. He has to be a responsible adult now if he is going to be a father and that means working and paying his way.”

Mr Sullivan pleaded guilty to four thefts and six ‘handling’ charges concerning the bike thefts.

Sergeant Louis Moloney said that between August 1 and August 16 last, a total of 10 bikes were stolen from outside mobile homes at Aylevaroo Caravan Park.

The sergeant said that it was the State case that Mr Sullivan entered the caravan park on August 1 and stole four identical blue and black bikes.

Sullivan returned, Sergeant Moloney said, on August 10 and stole another bike before returning again on August 16 and stealing two bikes.

Sergeant Moloney said that a husband of one of the injured parties saw his bike for sale on a Facebook page of one TJ Ferry who turned out to be a fictitious person.

Garda Lisa Marie Murphy observed bikes for sale on the personal Facebook page of Adam Sullivan, Sergeant Moloney said, and concluded that Mr Sullivan and TJ Ferry were the same person.

Sergeant Moloney said that Gardai obtained a search warrant on August 19 last and on the same day searched Sullivan’s home and found six bikes that matched the description of those stolen.

Sullivan was arrested, Sergeant Moloney said, and detained and made certain admissions.

The sergeant stated that following further investigations, a further four bikes were recovered from a property at Pallasgreen, Co Limerick and the 10 bikes stolen were all recovered.

Mr Moylan said that Sullivan became involved with a bad cohort of peers in Kilrush and became involved with drugs – cocaine and tablets.

He added that Sullivan’s bike thefts were carried out to repay a debt that arose from his drugs involvement. Judge Larkin adjourned the case to September for a Probation Report on Mr Sullivan.

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