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Tag Archives: Kilrush District Court

Judge tells Clare court of her own experience of inappropriate behaviour from men

Clare’s district court judge has stated that as a woman she has on numerous occasions had to suffer inappropriate behaviour from men who have no respect for women. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin made her comment before convicting a 56 year old west Clare man of sexual assault after he slapped the backside of a woman who he was attracted to on November 17 2021. The man – who has no previous convictions – pleaded guilty to the offence of sexual assault of the woman after he slapped her backside while she was queuing to pay for her shopping at Queally’s Supervalu, Kilrush in west Clare. Solicitor, Michael Ryan for the man said his client “is a man of his era” and did not understand the laws of attraction when one party clearly indicates to the other that they are not interested and that is ignored and this is what happened on this occasion when the woman was …

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Prison threat for Clare mother of truant children

A JUDGE has stated that children “might as well be weeds on the side of the road” if a parent doesn’t provide for them and ensure that they get an education. Judge Mary Larkin made her comment at Kilrush District Court where she warned a mother of two school-shy children that she faces spending time in prison if her children’s attendance at education doesn’t dramatically improve. One of the children, a 16-year-old girl had a 100% absence rate and missed all available school days in 5th year in school before leaving school for Youthreach last summer. Solicitor for the Child and Family Agency (CFA), Kevin Sherry said that the girl’s school attendance has been ‘horrendous’ and ‘dire’. Mr Sherry said that the girl had an 82% absence rate in Junior Cert and is in danger of losing her Youthreach placement after missing 60% of days. Solicitor for the mother, Patrick Moylan told the court that his client’s daughter just wouldn’t …

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Clare woman avoids jail following 26th no insurance conviction

A 34-year old west Clare mother has narrowly avoided jail after being convicted of driving with no insurance for the 26th time. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin imposed 320 hours of community service and also imposed one four-month suspended prison term and one three-month suspended prison term on Caitriona Kennedy for her four latest no insurance convictions. Judge Larkin also imposed a two-year driving ban on Ms Kennedy of Church Street, Miltown Malbay on each no insurance conviction. Ms Kennedy has 86 previous convictions in total. Sergeant Louis Moloney told the court that at Limerick Circuit Court last month, Ms Kennedy was banned from driving for 15 years concerning a no insurance offence and also received a three-month prison term. Ms Kennedy was heavily pregnant at the time and has since had her baby and the court was told by Sergeant Moloney that Ms Kennedy was released from custody the same day in Limerick. Judge Larkin stated that …

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Man held woman against her will while informing ex of her affair

A CLARE woman held against her will for four hours was forced to listen to her captor inform her ex-partner by phone that she had an affair with another man towards the end of their relationship, a court has heard. At Kilrush District Court, Detective Garda Donal Corkery said that the woman was put through the four-hour ordeal on November 9 when she was threatened with a knife by the 37-year-old man who also told her that he had a shotgun in his car and a Glock hand-gun. In the case, the man is charged with the false imprisonment of the woman at his Co. Clare home on November 9 contrary to Section 15 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act. The man denies the charge. Opposing a bail application for the man, Detective Garda Corkery said that the woman felt pressured to go to this man’s house on November 9 as he was threatening that he would ring …

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Judge compares chaotic Clare farmyard scene to ‘Wild West’

A JUDGE has compared a late night chaotic farm-yard scene where a father and son confronted Gardai with a pitch-fork and a calving jack to something from the Wild West. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin described the conduct of Denis Waters (53) and his son, Brian Waters (25) both with an address at Lacken, Kilmihil as “unbelievable”. Judge Larkin stated, “If it was the Wild West you would say something but this is supposed to be a civilised country.” Solicitor for Denis Waters, Patrick Moylan said that “chaos” unfolded after Brian Waters looked on at around 1.30am on October 26 last to see Gardai pursue his father, Denis into the farm-yard at Derreen, Tullycrine near Kilrush. Solicitor for Brian Waters, John Casey said that “out of nothing, all hell broke loose” in the farm-yard as his client was helping a cow to calve at the time when Denis Waters and Gardai entered the yard. Mr Moylan said that …

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Thief caught after trying to sell stolen bikes on Facebook page

A hapless serial bicycle thief was caught red-handed by Gardai after he put up some of his stolen bikes for sale on his personal Facebook page, a court has heard. At Kilrush District Court, Adam Sullivan (19) of Fort Road, Cappa, Kilrush, pleaded guilty to the theft and handling of bikes valued at a combined €4,750. In total, 10 bicycles were stolen from holiday makers staying at Aylevaroo Caravan Park in Kilrush in August 2021 and the most expensive bikes stolen included a Drag Racer valued at €1,900 and a Carrera Valour and a Bentini Frazier each worth €400 and €500. Judge Mary Larkin told the court that “this was an organised crime and warrants a jail term”. However, Judge Larkin said that she would consider community service for Sullivan who has no previous convictions. The court was told that Sullivan’s girlfriend is expecting the couple’s baby and Judge Larkin told solicitor for Sullivan, Patrick Moylan: “If he wants me …

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Clare parents threatened with jail over truant children

A judge has warned the parents of two ‘school shy’ children that she will send both to jail unless their children have a 100 per cent attendance record in school from now on. In one case, a 15-year-old girl has not attended school at all in the current school year while her 11-year-old brother has missed 80 out of 117 school days. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin was told that the girl’s mother informed a TUSLA Education Welfare Officer that her daughter wasn’t attending school because ‘she didn’t like it’ and suffers from ‘anxiety’. The TUSLA Education Welfare Officer said that the 11-year-old boy wasn’t attending school because of ‘headaches’ and that he was being bullied at school but she stated that there was no evidence to support the bullying claim. Judge Larkin said that the anxiety explanation for the 15-year-old girl “has been pulled out of the bag today at the very last minute in the heel …

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‘Horrific’ circumstances as Clare man in dock for friend’s death

A judge has described the circumstances in which a west Clare farmer lost his life in a farm accident as ‘horrific’. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin made her comment after hearing an outline of the State case concerning Damien Carmody’s death at Doonaha, Kilkee on January 22 2021. One of the two men being prosecuted concerning alleged Health and Safety breaches arising from the farm accident is farmer, John Roche of Doonaha Kilkee. Judge Larkin commented: “These are all horrific circumstances. This was a man who was his neighbour and his friend.” Mr Carmody had only got married to wife, Elaine 12 months prior to the fatal incident. In court on Tuesday, State Solicitor for Clare, Aisling Casey said that the case against Mr Roche’s co-accused, Christopher Keane of Bella, Kilkee, is to be heard in the circuit court and a Book of Evidence is to be prepared for service in June. After hearing an outline of the …

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