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HomeSportsSnail putts Tump links planning on holed

Snail putts Tump links planning on holed

Plans  for coastal protection works at the Donald Trump-owned Trump International Golf Links in Doonbeg have been put on hold after Clare County Council requested further information.

The request seeks information on the potential impact of the proposed works on the habitat of the Vertigo Angustior snail. The development being sought by TIGL Ireland Enterprises Ltd relates to coastal erosion management works at Carrowmore Dunes, White Strand, Doughmore Bay and Trump International Golf Links and Hotel, Doonbeg.

It consists of the re-profiling of sand dune slopes and ancillary marram planting, sand trap fencing and golf course repairs at three locations within the Carrowmore Sand Dune System; temporary construction compound within the hotel complex and access to the beach during construction via the public access track off Mountrivers Road.

The applicant states that a Natura Impact Statement would be submitted to Clare County Council with the planning application.
In its request for further information, Clare County Council said, “Having regard to the proximity of the proposed development to the Mid Clare Coast SPA and the Carrowmore Dunes SAC, the planning authority considers that full consideration should be given to the potential likely effects of the development on the qualifying interests of both these Natura 2000 sites”.

They noted that the potential impacts on the Mid Clare Coast SPA were excluded from the assessment and that embryonic shifting dunes and the potential impact of works on the habitat of the Vertigo snail had not been considered.

Other aspects of the further information request relate to the proposed work areas and haul routes, as to whether they would be used on a permanent or temporary basis and in relation to weather conditions when works may or may not occur.

The planning application was received on May 2 last and there has been one submission made to the proposed development since it was lodged with the local authority.

The status of the application is currently on hold pending a response to the further information request.

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A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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