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HomeArts & CultureRepublican author holds Clare launch for latest work

Republican author holds Clare launch for latest work

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ACCLAIMED author and playwright Danny Morrison will be in Ennis for the Clare launch of his latest work this Friday evening.

“Free Statism and the Good Old IRA” is the Belfast man’s eighth book and his fourth work of non-fiction.

He is a regular media political commentator and a former editor of An Phoblacht.

In his new book Mr Morrison asserts that from its inception and through its many incarnations from Free State to Éire to the Republic of Ireland, the establishment and mainstream media in the
South have promoted a partitionist mindset – Free Statism. 

The book examines the nature of the Tan War, bomb and gun attacks, the killings of RIC men, on- and off-duty, the execution of informers, the IRA campaign in England, and other multiple-parallels between two struggles separated only by time.

The launch will include a question and answer session with the audience, and will be chaired by Clare Sinn Féin councillor Donna McGettigan.

Councillor McGettigan said, “I am delighted to chair the launch for Danny Morrison. He is a mine of historical knowledge and a brilliant writer. It promises to be a very informative evening.”

The event takes place in the West County Hotel at 7.30pm.  

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