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HomeRegionalEnnisPublic urged to have their say on renaming of bridge after McTigue

Public urged to have their say on renaming of bridge after McTigue

THE public are being urged to have their say on a proposal to rename a bridge in Ennis after a sporting legend of Clare. As reported in The Clare Champion earlier this month efforts are being made to change the name of Victoria Bridge at Cusack Road to The Mike McTigue Bridge in honour of the famous sportsman from Kilnamona.

The Ennis Municipal District is now inviting the public to make submissions on the proposal with online consultation now open and continuing until Friday, April 7.

The bridge is dated to 1840 and when this road was first built, the road was known as New Road. It later became Victoria Road, then Cusack Road.

Mike McTigue was born in Lickaune, Kilnamona Co Clare in 1891, Mike was one of 11 sons and one daughter of Pat McTigue and Ellen McTigue (née Nylon). He emigrated to New York in 1912 where he went on to become a professional boxer and fought throughout the golden age of boxing. He held the middle weight title of Canada, the heavy weight title of Europe and was the light heavy weight champion of the World.

He became the first lrish man to win a world championship after lreland had gained its freedom from Britain. In a fight that took place on St. Patrick’s day 1923 in the ‘La Scala Theatre’ in Dublin he defeated the French Senegalese fighter Battling Siki in the last ever 20 round title fight. The fight which took place in war torn Dublin attracted the world’s press who reported not only on the fight but also on the civil war. Mike’s victory was celebrated all over lreland and was remembered with pride by all Irish men and women. Mike returned to a hero’s welcome in America where he continued to be a huge attraction for many years. Mike passed away in August 1966. His funeral was attended by some of the greats of the boxing golden age including Jack Dempsey and Paul Berlendach.

The general provisions relating to change of names is provided for under Section 196 of the Local Government Act 2001. Submissions can be made on https://yoursay.clarecoco.ie/victoria-bridge-renaming to indicate whether you agree / disagree with the renaming proposal.

The submissions and a recommendation will be presented to the members of the Ennis Municipal District for final approval.

The motion to change the name of the bridge was proposed by Councillor Pat Daly who at a meeting of the local authority pointed out that last St Patrick’s Day marked the 100th anniversary of McTigue’s winning the World Light Heavyweight title.

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