Home » Breaking News » Pictures show extensive vandalism at Sixmilebridge playground
Local Councillor PJ Ryan in the community playground at Sixmilebridge which has been vandalised a number of times. The damage includes the removal of steel fence panels from the outer fence and internal divides as well as damage to the play equipment. Photograph by John Kelly

Pictures show extensive vandalism at Sixmilebridge playground

THERE is disappointment and upset in Sixmilebridge again this week, after another incidence of vandalism at the local playground. 

It took place last weekend and County Councillor PJ Ryan described the damage.

“There’s a little windy house inside the playground and the panels were kicked in on that.

“The metal panels on the safety fencing, a certain amount of that has been removed. The equipment there has been damaged as well, the rope on swings was cut.”

He said that there have been numerous instances of damage being done there and it is a source of huge frustration to the voluntary committee who take charge of the playground.

“They are tired from looking for funding to have it repaired and it’s just terrible that this is happening.

“There is CCTV there, but these are probably all minors and very little can be done about it. The Guards have visited there numerous times but obviously they can’t be at the playground 24/7.”

Committee chairperson Yvonne Keogh said that the frequent damage is very frustrating.

“It’s disappointing. We’re trying to get funding for to fix it, and we’re kind of getting to the stage where we wonder if it’s worth it, if you fix things and then they get damaged again.”

Owen Ryan

Owen Ryan has been a journalist with the Clare Champion since 2007, having previously worked for a number of other regional titles in Limerick, Galway and Cork.

About Owen Ryan

Owen Ryan has been a journalist with the Clare Champion since 2007, having previously worked for a number of other regional titles in Limerick, Galway and Cork.