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HomeRegionalEnnisPark & Ride for Ennis could solve traffic issues says councillor

Park & Ride for Ennis could solve traffic issues says councillor

Clare Champion Print Subscription

A PARK and ride scheme for Ennis could be the solution to traffic problems in the town centre a local councillor has insisted.

However while the local authority has said it is continuing to “explore the possibility” of acquiring land for parking, a source of funding would be needed.

Councillor Pat Daly, speaking at a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District, urged the council to look at purchasing or leasing land close to the town for use as a pilot scheme for a park and ride centre.

He said he has “never seen Ennis as bad for traffic” adding there are “bottlenecks every day of the week”. He suggested a site on the Tulla Road would be suitable for the introduction of a pilot scheme.

“A pilot scheme is something that should be looked at where people could park their car and go and do their shopping. This would take cars out of the town centre.”

Leonore O’Neill, Senior Executive Officer, in response to the motion stated, “Ennis Municipal District will continue to explore the possibility of purchasing or leasing land for the provision of car parking. However, a source of funding would need to be identified for the acquisition and development of any such sites.”

Reacting to the response Councillor Daly said, “Funding is always the cry, but something should be looked at.”

Seconding the motion, Councillor Johnny Flynn who said there are “serious difficulties with mobility around the town.” He said a park and ride on any of the regional roads heading in towards Ennis would be of benefit.

Councillor Flynn stated that efforts are being made to secure a local bus service for Ennis, with hopes of “good news” from the National Transport Authority.

“In association with a town bus a park and ride is crucial,” he said adding it would be of benefit in reducing poor air quality.

Councillor Paul Murphy also voiced his support for the introduction of a park and ride, suggesting Active Travel may be a potential source of funding.

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