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Members of the Ború Tri Club get set for the O'Neill Industrial Charity Cycle.

O’Neill put shoulder to wheel for Mid-West Simon

ARDNACRUSHA was the starting point for the highly successful second annual charity cycle organised by O’Neill Industrial to highlight the issue of homelessness. 

The event, in aid of Mid-West Simon, saw 75 cyclists set out from South East Clare at 9am and cover 75 kilometres through Broadford, Mountshannon and down to Killaloe. 

A warm sunny day created ideal conditions and made the scenery all the more beautiful along the shores of Lough Derg. 

Organisers expressed “a massive thank you” to all the cyclists and volunteers as well as BikeMarshals.ie and St John’s Ambulance for keeping everyone safe and making the day such a success. The cycle ended at 2pm with a barbeque at McMahons Bar Ardnacrusha, with a vibrant atmosphere and glorious sunshine.

Michael ONeill, Sales Director at ONeill Industrial said the organisation was pleased to support Mid-West Simon.

We are absolutely delighted with the charity cycle, such was the demand, that I had to close the online Eventbrite bookings a week before the cycle, as we had in excess of 90 registrations,” he said.

“We would like to thank all the clubs who participated especially Limerick Triathlon Club and Ború Tri Club as well as all the individuals and companies who were involved. 
“We hope to build on the numbers next year. The day went very well, there was a great atmosphere and the glorious sunshine certainly helped!  “We are very pleased to be supporting Mid-West Simon Community homeless services and we raised in excess of €2,000 with donations still coming in. All monies raised will go towards helping those who truly need it in our local community.” 

Maura McMahon, Events and Donor Relationship Manager with Mid-West Simon Community said the donation will mean a lot to local services.

We are thrilled that ONeill Industrial chose Mid West Simon Community as their beneficiary for their annual charity cycle for the second time,” she said.

“We would like to thank Michael ONeill and all the team at ONeill Industrial for all their hard work in organising and fundraising for this charity cycle.

“We would also like to thank everyone who cycled on Saturday as well as all who donated on the day, making the charity cycle a huge success.

“We are delighted that the charity cycle was a sellout and we look forward to partnering with ONeill Industrial for next years charity cycle and building on this years success by doubling the number of cyclists at least. 

All funds raised from this event will go towards our Homeless services in Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary and all funds raised locally will stay local.”  

Mid-West Simon Community work to support children and adults experiencing the everyday challenges around homelessness and food poverty in the Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary area. Donations can be made online at Midwestsimon.ie/donate or over the phone on 061-608980.


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