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HomeNewsMacra's Know your Neighbours campaign

Macra’s Know your Neighbours campaign

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The Society of St Vincent de Paul is calling on people all over Ireland to support the Macra na Feirme initiative, Know Your Neighbour, at the weekend.

This year the theme is ‘Neighbours – Near and Far’, linking with friends and relatives in the wider Irish diaspora. Macra is encouraging the development of events which include, among others, neighbours who are now living abroad.

Now in its ninth year, Know Your Neighbour is a prompt for communities both rural and urban to consider organising events.
Macra is also encourage people to take advantage of social media and online technology like Skype as a way of linking up with others.

Geoff Meagher, SVP national president said, “The timing of the Macra initiative is appropriate as summer is a time when many community supports may be less active and where groups such as older people or those with long term illnesses, disabilities or caring responsibilities may have less human contact and support than at other times.

“Being a good neighbour is about being mindful of people in our communities, the needs that exist and also about recognising that we all have needs – and at least some stage in our lives will depend upon others beyond our family and for our wellbeing.”

A native of Ennis, Colin McGann has been editor of The Clare Champion since August 2020. Former editor of The Clare People, he is a journalism and communications graduate of Dublin Institute of Technology.

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