Home » Breaking News » Keep an eye on Clare teens at Halloween, gardai told
Sean Colleran, Chief Superintendent, Clare Garda Division, told the JPC that apart from a few flashpoints, public order offences were down in the county this year. Photograph by John Kelly

Keep an eye on Clare teens at Halloween, gardai told

MEASURES should be put in place to ensure teenagers socialise responsibly during the Halloween break, according to a local councillor.

Speaking at a recent Joint Policing Committee, Councillor Ann Norton acknowledged local gardaí have worked very well over the years with local nightclub owners.

The Independent Councillor said she appreciated young people would like to enjoy themselves with their friends after being restricted over the last 18 momths during to Covid-19.

Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran said apart from a few flashpoints in certain locations during the summer months, public order offences in the county have been in decline.

Like previous years, he confirmed gardaí would be working in co-operation with nightclub owners to ensure there were no major incidents during holiday periods like Halloween.

“It is something we are conscious of and we will continue working to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable night.”

Councillor Joe Killeen said people were delighted with the increase in local tourists on staycations this year.

While Councillor Killeen praised gardai for their policing strategy over the summer months, he recalled there were some incidents of anti-social behaviour in popular beaches, and wondered would lessons be learned and incorporated for next summer.

Superintendent Colleran said gardai are always reviewing operations to amend and improve them for future operations and will be planning to try and avoid flashpoints in popular locations.

By Dan Danaher

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