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HomeNewsIs there any council cash for the Shannon estuary plan?

Is there any council cash for the Shannon estuary plan?

Clare County Council has been called on to detail what resources it has available to contribute towards compiling a Designated Marine Area Plan (DMAP) which has been committed to in the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce plan.
Fianna Fáil general election candidate, Rita McInerney in pressing the case for Estuary DMAP, says she wants the council to liaise with local authorities in Limerick and Kerry as well as jointly writing to the Environment Minister seeking confirmation the department is committed to the DMAP and to confirm it will be in place by the end of this year.
DMAPS play an important role in sustainable offshore energy development. They outline a proposed geographical area for future offshore renewable energy development which is then subject to public engagement, analysis and environmental impact statements. 
“Last month the Dáil approved the South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP), which outlines four new offshore wind farm sites off the south coast.
“We need to ensure that West Clare is not left behind with regards to offshore wind energy and that is why the creation of an estuary DMAP is pivotal for our region,” Councillor McInerney said. 
Ahead of the general election on November 29, the Doonbeg councillor has said she is committed to championing the DMAP, if she is elected to the next Dáil.
In reply, on behalf of Clare County Council Carmel Kirby, Director of Services Economic Development, said that the first objective would be to agree to a joint letter to the Minister “rather than committing now to resources from individual councils.” 
“In the absence of sight of the scope or range of a possible DMAP proposal it may be more beneficial for Clare County Council to write to Kerry and Limerick City and County Councils with the objective of agreeing on a joint letter to the Minister setting out our joint support for the preparation of a DMAP roadmap and specifically requesting that consideration be given to prioritising the west coast within that roadmap,” Ms Kirby said. 
The Director of Service added that the council continues to meet with “key stakeholders such as the EPA, NPWS and Shannon Foynes Port Company” as part of the Strategic Integrated Framework Plan (SIFP) for the Shannon Estuary. 
“This group continues to meet through a steering group forum to discuss issues of mutual interest.
“In that regard the members can be assured that Clare County Council is working closely with Kerry and Limerick City and County Councils to explore all opportunities that may arise for the Shannon Estuary and the wider west coast marine area.
“The Economic Directorate is committed to continuing to engage with Department officials to advocate for the development of a Designated Marine Area Plan roadmap which would include for the preparation of a plan for the West Coast area,” she added. 
Chief Executive of Clare County Council Pat Dowling commented further stating that the DMAP is the priority from the Shannon Estuary Task Force Report issued in 2023 to much fanfare with a number of government ministers. “The Designated Marine Area Plan for the West Coast needs to be high on the agenda for the next government.”

Sharon Dolan-Darcy

Sharon Dolan D’Arcy covers West Clare news. After completing a masters in journalism at University of Galway, Sharon worked as a court reporter at the Sligo Weekender. She was also editor of the Athenry News and Views.

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