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HomeLifestyleDoggy Brunch for Animal Welfare Charity

Doggy Brunch for Animal Welfare Charity

With apologies to my friend Bev, I have to take over the column again this week to tell you how I spent my weekend.

Chilling with a new friend.
Chilling with a new friend.

I was lamped into the shower early so I knew something was up but then I went to Pat, my lovely dog minder. I haven’t stayed there much since Covid began so it was nice to have a proper catch-up as I was in residence for two nights. I love a little change of scenery.

On Sunday, I was collected bright and early and after a quick dogguccino, we headed off in the car.

Both hoomans and doggies enjoyed the day.
Both hoomans and doggies enjoyed the day.

When we arrived in Limerick, I was hoping we’d be going to The Buttery, where dogs are always welcome, although I was puzzled, as we usually go on a Saturday.

What a sight met me! Dogs everywhere, inside and out. It turns out that this was a Doggie Brunch in aid of Limerick Animal Welfare. What a lovely idea, although I noticed it was the hoomans eating brunch. Surely the dogs should be served food at a dog brunch?

I get to try an Espresso Martini Dogguccino.
I get to try an Espresso Martini Dogguccino.

To compensate, we were given a lovely goodie bag from Maxi Zoo and I had great fun going through the contents.

I met some lovely new friends and I hope to see them often on my visits to The Buttery. The food looked and smelled delicious and I fell in for another dogguccino before we headed home.

More dogs and hoomans at The Buttery.
More dogs and hoomans at The Buttery.

We all put our best paws forward and behaved. Only the odd bout of barking disturbed the peace and that only added to the party atmosphere.

It was really nice of The Buttery to organise this fund-raising event. LAW and other dog charities are doing great work during the pandemic and they need all the support we can give them. Because of the scarcity of dogs since lockdown began, they are being stolen and often abandoned. These poor dogs need our help to find their real owners or a loving forever home.

If you can at all, lend a paw to an animal charity. They need our help now more than ever.

Stay safe. Daisy.

Two more new friends.

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Two more new friends.

Motoring editor - The Clare Champion

Former Chairman and voting member of Irish Motoring Writers' Association

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