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HomeLifestyleClare Pride Festival to make history

Clare Pride Festival to make history

HISTORY will be made in the Banner this month when the first ever county-wide Clare Pride Festival takes place during the October Bank Holiday weekend, writes Fiona McGarry.

A day of free events in towns across Clare on Sunday, October 24, organised by Quare Clare, will culminate in a fantastic Pride Party in Hotel Doolin with cabaret, DJ and finger food.

One of the Quare Clare organisers, Sarah Clancy, who works for Clare PPN and is herself a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

“This is going to be a fantastic weekend for Clare’s LGBTQ+ community and for people who we hope will travel from around Ireland to be with us this weekend,” she said.

“We want our community to be visible and connected to the wider community in Clare. We want young and older people in the towns and villages around Ireland to see how rural Ireland too can embrace difference.”

“What better way for us to connect and celebrate than to let Clare do what it’s good at – host one hell of a Pride Party this October.”

Elaine D’Alton of Clare Women’s Network said: 
“A series of Pride events in towns across the county will take place during the day on Sunday, October 24, finishing up in Doolin in time for the Pride Party.

“Details of these daytime events which will be free and open to all, will be announced very shortly.

“The ticket price for the party at Hotel Doolin includes a contribution to a ticket for someone who might otherwise not be able to afford it. Anyone in this position should select a free ticket on the booking form, but for those who can afford it we’d appreciate if they could pay for their ticket.”

“We are inviting people from across Ireland to Clare Pride Festival and we will share options for accommodation in Doolin on www.clareppn.ie and email them to everyone who books a ticket.

“On Monday, October 25, the mood will be more chilled, with ‘morning after’ activities organised including yoga and meditation, followed by a good-bye cuppa to send everyone on their way. Anyone travelling to Clare and making a weekend of it will be able to take in a hike along the Cliffs of Moher or enjoy some of the beautiful scenery the day after.”

The Quare Clare Pride Party will kick off at 8pm at Hotel Doolin, with a ticket price of €12. Free tickets available to anyone who might find the cost a barrier to having a fantastic pride night. The party, which is for over-18s only, is kindly sponsored by Hotel Doolin.

Tickets can be booked on Eventbrite, which is also accessible via the Clare PPN Facebook page.

Quare Clare is a new group that has held online meetings and social events. Anyone from the LGBTQ+ community in Clare who would like to get involved in Quare Clare can email lgbtq.clare@gmail.com to find out more.

Quare Clare was established as the result of a short-term project run jointly by Clare Public Participation Network, Clare Women’s Network, Clare Local Development Company, Rape Crisis Midwest and GOSHH! and supported by The Department of Rural and Community Development and Clare County Council.

Quare Clare is on Facebook and Twitter.

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