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East Clare

Tulla principal retires after 38 years in the teaching trade

Pupils and teachers at St Joseph’s Secondary School in Tulla said farewell to outgoing school principal Jim Cooney recently as he embarked on his retirement following 38 years of service to education.Jim was the principal at St Joseph’s for the past seven years, prior to that he taught at St Patrick’s Comprehensive in Shannon, where he worked for 30 years. It was not easy, however, for Jim to leave the school last week. He admits that it was extremely difficult because he had such an attachment to the school, its staff and to the community of Tulla.“It was a particular challenge to take up the principal’s job in the school where I am from. I warmed to the school immediately. I warmed to staff and the community and I was very lucky in the staff that I got when I came there. They have been great people to work with. They are very committed to the school and dedicated and …

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Benemerenti Medal for Bodyke sacristan

He is awarding the honour to Mrs Hannon in recognition of her devoted service over many years to the parish and community of Bodyke and Tuamgraney.Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh will present the medal and citation at 11am mass in Bodyke on Sunday.This is the first time the medal has ever been awarded to anyone in the Bodyke Tuamgraney parish and the community are delighted to see Mrs Hannon being honoured with it. Mrs Hannon, who hails from Kells, Corofin originally settled in Bodyke with her late husband Christy in 1963, where they raised their four children, who still remain in the parish. Sadly, her husband Christy, who had also been very involved with the local church and associated activities, passed away in 1994. Mrs Hannon has given devoted care and service to Bodyke Church as its sacristan for the last 32 years, a post she shared with her husband for a number of years and one she continues …

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Tourism experts to visit East Clare as part of national conference

As part of the 21st National Tourism Conference, held annually in Ennistymon, delegates attending the conference will visit East Clare as part of an organised trip showcasing the county’s tourist destinations. This conference will see tourism industry officials and members of local authorities, County Enterprise Boards, partnerships, and all public and private bodies involved in the promotion of tourism in Ireland, descend on the county this week. This is the first time East Clare has been chosen as a visiting destination for the tourism conference delegates and Lorna Moloney, vice-chairperson of East Clare Heritage, explained that it was extremely positive for the region to have the delegation visit the scenic area. It is understood that the delegation will visit the East Clare Heritage offices at St Cronan’s Church in Tuamgraney this Friday at 10am in advance of the national conference. The delegation will be given a rundown of the operations there, a history of the Westropp Collection and they will …

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Drop in recycling at Scariff plant

  FIGURES revealed at a recent Clare County Council meeting show that the amount of recyclable material being brought to the Scariff Recycling Plant has dropped off by over 65% on last year, at a time when plans have been lodged to expand the facility.Following a motion tabled by East Clare county councillor Pat Hayes, David Timlin, director of services with the environment and water services department of Clare County Council, outlined the tonnage intake of Clare’s five recycling plants.Figures released show that for the first six months of 2008, a total of 911.44 tonnes was taken in at the Scariff plant and this figure dropped by 64.7% for the second half of 2008, where 321.57 tonnes was taken in.Based on the first half of 2008 and the same period this year, a drop of 65.88% is recorded and a similar drop is predicted for the second half of 2009, according to the council’s estimates.Despite the drop in usage, the …

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