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Tips for Winter Driving

With hazardous conditions expected on our roads over the next few days of icy weather, the RSA have issued some advice to keep all...

Anatomy of a Crash

The death toll on our roads continues to climb with seemingly no end in sight. The statistics make grim reading. I recently got a phone...

Abbey Street car park transformation first step for Ennis 2040

THE transformation of Ennis’ Abbey Street Carpark into a retail and office space is set to be the first project to be delivered under...

Call for west Clare roads to be bumped up winter gritting list

A WEST Clare councillor has called for the reclassification of regional roads in the district to facilitate more regular gritting during a cold snap. Councillor...

Road safety role mooted for Council Active Travel officer

E-SCOOTERS, drug driving and safer cycling could be some of the tasks on the ‘to-do’ list for the new joint role of Active Travel...

Road gritting has been good, but could be better – councillors

GRITTING of the county’s roads during December’s sub-zero temperatures was commended by Council members who also called for more to be done to keep...

Tarred-over road sign at site of accident restored

ROAD markings have been reinstated at Ballyhannon Cross where recently a resident was hit by a van which failed to halt at a stop...

Park & Ride for Ennis could solve traffic issues says councillor

A PARK and ride scheme for Ennis could be the solution to traffic problems in the town centre a local councillor has insisted. However...
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