Home » Breaking News » ‘A lot of our fathers played in Eighty-Eight’ – Shane McGrath
Feakle's Shane McGrath

‘A lot of our fathers played in Eighty-Eight’ – Shane McGrath

Wherever the 2024 Canon Hamilton race is being discussed be it in the home of the two protagonists or hurling communities all over the County the conversation will without doubt centre around the man who has been this year’s stand out performer. Questions like Who will mark McGrath? and statements like if you stop McGrath you stop Feakle will be banded about. The Bridge management team will obviously detail someone to man mark Shane McGrath but that isn’t anything new for the Feakle wizard.
“ Ah I’m well used to being man marked. To be honest about it it would feel strange not to be and I probably wouldn’t know what to do. Anyways with the likes of Conn and Adam in training it’s probably easier in a match.” he says laughing “ but seriously though I’m lucky that I’m allowed to roam wherever I feel I might find space by the management team. Ger and the lads put great trust in the players and everything is player led with the management given us the power to make switches during a game. I might be out midfield or be in at the edge of the square. Hurling is an instinctive game and all the players are told to trust their instinct.”
Fourteen years playing Senior the Feakle talisman has seen it all from the good to the not so good but feels quietly confident that their time is now.
“ I’ve had alot of ups and downs over the years and it’s been some journey to get here I can tell you. It does show though that it’s possible. We were in an Intermediate relegation battle when I started first. Then we had a few higher winning Intermediate Championships but suffered the lows of relegation. To think we are sixty minutes away from emulating the men of 1988 is incredible. We’ve been getting stronger in all areas over the last few years and it’s really down to the quality players that have come through. To have lads who have won titles and represented the County boosts the overall quality of training and strengthens every member of our panel. Hurling is all about the panel. You simply will not win without strength in depth and thankfully we now have that.”
A certainty for a club All Star the man who fired over eleven points to send his side to a first final in thirty six years will soak up the atmosphere but try not to let it take his attention from what is needed.
“ The biggest thing about it all is not to be distracted. There’s such a brilliant atmosphere around the place and look it’s been like that since Up for the Match was here. It’s been wonderful around the place after seeing three of your friends winning an All Ireland. That was really special and everyone has been buzzing since. Now we’re in the final it’s just incredible seeing the joy around the whole place. We have to enjoy it and soak it all in. It’s great having the three lads in that regard too as they know how to handle the build up to the big day, how to enjoy it all yet stay focused on the task ahead. It’s going to take our very best display if we are to prevail. Sixmilebridge don’t tend to lose many finals when they get there. They’ve been there and done that. A truly outstanding club with unbelievable players. In  Seadna, Alex, Jamie and others they have serial winners. Alex has never lost a final. Played five and won five says it all really. I mean that’s some record but hopefully we can make that read played six won five lost one” he says with a smile.”
Both semi finals went to the wire and Sunday will be no different. It could come down to a last gasp sixty five or long distance free, something Feakle would gladly take with McGrath the ultimate dead ball striker.
“Regarding the free taking I’ve had the same routine taking them since I broke into the team. I think most players follow a routine that suits their style. When I was younger and missed one it could affect me when taking the next one but with experience you just set up the same way no matter the situation, pick a target and without deviating from the desired target lift and strike. If it done come down to a monster free I’d gladly give anything over a hundred to Eibhear. I’d take a one point to no score result right now if we won it!
When talking about winning Shane says he tries not to think about it too much but knows how special it would be and what it would mean.
“ Feakle would one million percent erupt. Literally explode into mass celebration. My Dad played in 1988 and indeed alot of our fathers played in Eighty-Eight. We’ve all heard the stories and all those players are heroes. It would be incredible to join that group who have won Canon Hamilton and it would mean the world to every single person in Feakle.”

About Derek Dormer

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