GOLD Star Homes 3 Limited has been refused permission for the development of a caravan park at Dough Kilkee.
There had been a number of objections to the proposal, while permission was refused on a number of grounds, including one that the road network was inadequate.
“The road network that serves as the access to the site from Circular Road is deficient in terms of its capacity, its horizontal alighment, surfacing and pedestrian provision in order to accommodate the volume and composition of vehicular and pedestrian traffic associated with the development.
“In addition the proposed layout and boundary treatments would restrict visiiblity at the proposed access points and the existing adjacent access points to the east and west of the site.”
The site is zoned for low density residential development and the Chief Executive’s report stated that “the proposed development is not in accordance with the onsite objective as it does not constitute an appropriate consolidation of the structure of thsi residential area of Kilkee and does not acheive appropriate connectivity with existing uses and adjacent zoned lands.”
It also found that the development “would constitute a visually incongruous feature in this residential ara of Kilkee, would be an undesirable departure from the existing settlement pattern of the area, would have adverse impacts on adjacent amenities by reason of general disturbance and therefore would not be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”
One of those to object to the proposed development was Councillor Cillian Murphy and in his submission he stated “This is a vexatious application given the refusal previously for the exact same project.
“This submission is being made on the basis there is no material change, other than the inclusion of a legal opinion, to the previous application.”
Owen Ryan has been a journalist with the Clare Champion since 2007, having previously worked with a number of other publications in Limerick, Cork and Galway. His first book will be published in December 2024.